
Wacky World News

   There's more and more talk nowadays about the shit going on in Mexico.  Apparently the drug cartels are operating in such an open and brazen manner, and stepping up violence exponentially, that the Mexican Tourisim market is taking a nosedive.  Not to mention all of the "innocent" people caught in the crossfire.

   It seems so stupid to me.  When you think about it:  Only 2 major "drugs" come out of the south directly.  Some things are routed THROUGH Mexico, but just as much comes in from Canada.  I guess the Canadians aren't quite as violent, but I can only suppose...Anyway, it's mostly Cocaine and Marijuana.  Meth is made down the street in that shack behind that crappy house.  I have no idea where the Heroin comes from (never seen any, myself), but I bet it comes into the states through the NorthWest.  Some of it is smuggled in, of couse.  Actually, I'm sure just about ANYONE would be surprised if we saw some  real numbers of how much crap is shipped in through FedEx and the like....REALLY surprised.

   But, the reason it seems so stupid is:  We could FINALLY end prohibition of Marijuana, set up some Domestic operations, and simply drive them out of business!  Once the only thing they are smuggling is Cocaine and Humans, we can simply start shooting them in the face and leaving them by the side of the road. Because Coke is retarded, and slavery is abbhorent!!  Marijuana?  You really want to compare that to Human Trafficking and Crack???

If you said "yes" then I would like to offer you a free trip to Tiajuana!  One way, of course...

If you make it back, please let me know how you feel about Domestic Marijuana Production then.

   Marijuana = Paper, Biofuel, Clothing, New Jobs, Freedom for incarcerated "non-criminals", to make room for all the cocksmoking pederasts they let go to make room for the potheads, and UNLIKE OIL it's a fucking RENEWABLE RESOURCE!!!!

   I'm not saying anything that millions upon millions of other people know and repeat themselves.  I'm sure it will be ignored just the same.  Most people can't say anything because either they are afraid to be outted as a "druggie", or they simply can't talk with Big Oil's dick in their mouth.

   Here's a scenario:  You come home from a hard day at work, plop down on the couch and smoke a joint.  Your neighbor passes by your door, smells it, and calls the cops.  15 minutes later, some cops are at your door, and you are going off to jail.  While waiting for a trial, your wife visits to let you know that the registered sex offender on parole that has been living across the hall has raped and killed your daughter.  Plus, you lost your job, not only because of the "drugs", but they are moving your position to "offshore".  Meaning, somebody in India is going to make 3 dollars an hour doing your job.

   It may seem ridiculous to you...but then, so does strapping a bomb to yourself and wandering onto a subway.  And that shit NEVER happens, right?

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