Strike Two! Alright, enough with the baseball metaphors...
Originally posted on Saturday,
September 13, 2008, I
really tried on this one. It's pretty mellow, too.
There weren't many outlets for information on these Underground Comix when I was a kid. There weren't no Internet, and there sure weren't nobody talking about this shit, neither. You had to find out the hard way. Fortunately, the Hard Way in Comix is not nearly as Hard as the Hard Way in other endevors...Like experimenting with the subject matter found WITHIN the Comix. That's another path altogether.
Luckily for you folks, the INNERNET HAS ARRIVED! Well, it's been here for a while, but you get what ah'm sayin'. Do you feel me? You do? Hell, I'm filing a sexual harrassment suit! Get yer stinkin' paws offa me, you damned dirty ape!
This episode was short. It barely lasted the length of a (small) Yes song. Yes, I understand that my use of music does not fall under "Fair Use". That's why I'm UNDERGROUND. Even though it's pretty easy to find me using the Interweb (mostly because of the ignorant use of my pseudonym in the late 90's), I still maintain a reletively low profile. Part of the blame for me producing more shows and content lately falls completely on the shoulders of YouTube. I've been perusing the pages, looking at the Vids,, if anything, I think my shows are pretty tame compared to some of this crazy shit up on YouTube. Hell, these maniacs show their insanity AND their face, for all to see. Me, I'm a little more private than that. While I may get comfortable later and show my face, for the time being, I'm comfortable with my limited anonymity. I just can't do that, because I...well, I'm kinda breaking a couple of laws. That said, I'm looking into using mostly (if not comPLETELY) Creative Commons music. There is a bunch of it that is GOOD, and will work. I just have to get over that hump. I like the music I like, and I want to share it. You CAN'T steal it from me, because my crappy voice is all over it. It can't be extracted from the show, period. PLUS, I'm not making (or even attempting to make) a single penny off this crap. It's pure pleasure. It's pure therapy. It's pure entertainment...well, at least it's entertaining to me...
So, dive into this show. It's easy to digest, and I talk about Comix for the entire length.
For those whom enjoy my tirades, this will not please. But it's a fitting introduction.
Oh, you can check out my latest show (16) up on the Archive:
I won't post it here until I've run out of older shows (boo hoo!). The rights to posting the latest shows still lie with the Comic Book Haters...however, they are incommunicado at the moment, so I don't know if they are ignoring me, hate me, or are just too busy to give a shit. Long story short, they hate me. I KNOW they do.
Kindness is what I named my new aluminum baseball bat...kidding. Sheesh, touchy fuckers, ain't ya?
It may seem like I'm reaching a bit with that title, but when you hear it, you will understand. Then comes Episode 18...HOT DAMN, WE'RE FINALLY LEGAL!!! IT'S THE SEX EPISODE!!! GET YER LUBE READY, KIDS!