

For some reason, I've been painting and drawing a lot more lately.  I'm gonna post a bunch of them as soon as I'm sober enough to (it was a rough Tuesday, my friends... friend...).  Tomorrow, I'll put one here!

There, tha's not so bad, eh?
More to come.  Just...not tonight...oh, my head.


TLC: Freaks on display...

   I Realized that the channel TLC (The Learning Channel), has changed a bit from it's onset.  While it IS a spinoff of the Discovery Channel, it's vastly different, and now I can clearly see the direction it has been heading:

TLC is the Freakshow Channel.

   Don't believe me?  Check it out.  Now, some of you may say "aw, man...don't call little people 'freaks', that ain't nice".  Hey, I didn't set the channel's programming, so don't blame me that the Little People, Big World show is on the same channel as Hoarding: Buried Alive and Kate Plus 8 (formerly, there was a sperm donor that got booted because he actually wanted to put his penis in a woman, not jerk off in a cup...ahem), 18 kids and counting (don't get me started on how disgusting this atrocity is...NOW IT'S 19!), Make Room for Multiples...essentially, what that guy with the bombs strapped to his chest was pissed about:  All the shows about crazy breeders.  I hate the population problem, and refuse to contribute to it, but I stop WAY shy of pointing guns at people for being stupid.  Shit, let them hold the gun, and put it in their own mouth.  It's a lot quicker than BREEDING the human race to death.  Anyway, where were we?  Oh yeah, LA Ink, Pregnant at 70, Say Yes to the Dress, and NOW a show called FreakY Eaters.  It's a lot like hoarders, but for fatasses.

   Yep, you can ferget the sideshow.  Just tune into TLC, and see the freaks on parade.  Maybe they will point at your ugly, fast-food eatin', overbreeding ass and say "ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF US!"


Children: What you need to know.

I'm gonna lay it out for you all nice and easy-like:
Having a child is a responsibility.
Having 2 children is a burden.
Having 3 children is irresponsible.
Having 4 or more children is criminal.
Having children out of wedlock is retarded (gay OR straight...)
But, breeding at all, in this day and age, makes you a dumbass.
Any questions?  Write them down, fold it up (nice and neat), spit on it and shove it straight up your fuckhole.

What to bitch about

Oh, my...where to start.
The Discovery Channel Guy (and everything that goes with it...)
The Latest Driving Atrocities?

These and more are full-on shitty bits of humanity that need to be eviscerated, and I shall.

Tonight, it's all about the 3 day weekend...and that means: keeping cool.

I got a "new" mount brace for my Ludwig 1978 orange polyurethane kick drum, and Tuesday, my new ride cymbal should arrive.  In the interim, I'm twiddling thumbs, and playing Redneck Rampage.

I feel a rant coming on...